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A 13 year old boy discovers an ancient family secret leading him on the adventure of a life time.


The Story goes like this…

My name is Tommy. When I turned 13 my mom sold our home in far east Texas so that we could go live with my Gramps in Fate, Texas closer to Dallas. Gramps hasn’t been feeling well so mom decided we would move in with him and help take care of him. Gramps has a nurse, but she only comes like twice a week. Moving away from my friends kind of sucks, but I was getting excited about going to live with Gramps. Gramps and I get along great, and boy could Gramps talk. Gramps would talk my ears off, I couldn’t get a word in. He would tell me the craziest stories you ever heard. Gramps would start off with… “You know when I was your age…” and follow up with some story that sounded like something out of a movie. I wondered what his next one would be about.